
These Are The Things Of Which A Middle Age Crisis Is Made…

Unless I drop dead, break a limb, go insane, or become deathly ill, next weekend I, along with the Boy, will be taking the CHP Motorcycle Basic Rider’s Course in pursuit of a motorcycle license.

Yes, I’m a wuss. I need my little boy to accompany me, because I just don’t do things for the first time alone. I don’t know why, so I can’t explain it.

But I like going zoom. Initially I was thinking putt-putt of the moped variety; the Spouse Thingy reasoned that taking the course would be a good idea, because learning to ride a Real Bike would give me options. Plus, it seems you need a motorcycle license for even a putt-putt now. While my first thought was why? It’s just a moped my second was well…putt-putts get in trouble, too…

In any case, because I really don’t want to die right now, if you would all concentrate on No Rain Mojo™, I would greatly appreciate it.

Oh, and send Remember All The Test Stuff Chit Mojo™, too…I can’t believe I have to re-take the written CA driver’s test for this. I hate tests. Tests make me nervous and upset, and even if I know the material cold, I stay nervous and upset. Why can’t I just take a written test on motorcycle stuff? Really, I know the important things, like never stick a playing card in your spokes because you already make the Rrrr Rrrr Rrrr sound. And don’t ride naked no matter how hot it is. And just because you can do a wheelie for 1 mile at 55 mph that doesn’t mean you should.

And the next big thing after learning to ride…I’m getting a tattoo…

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