
After 13 million days of rain, we finally had a nice day. So this afternoon we pulled the convertible out of the garage and ran errands in it, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the wonder of 72 degrees. Heck, we even washed it, which pretty much guarantees that the rain will return tomorrow, but according to the weather guy it’s going to anyway.

Then after coming home I chased the Spouse Thingy around on his bike with my scooter—we could have gone to the gym but why when it’s this nice, and when we came home…it was time to introduce Buddah to the back yard. Unlike Max, Buddah shows no fear of the great outdoors and was even calm enough to take outside (being held tightly) in the rain the other day. So we bought him a harness and leash, and let him explore.

While Max had no desire to go outside on the leash, he was a tiny bit jealous, I think, and wanted us to at least offer to take him out. He had to settle for sniffing Buddah through the screen.

We needed a day like today. I’d be happier if it would stay like this for 3 solid weeks, but I’ll take today.

Now, keep your fingers crossed that it’s like this next Saturday and Sunday, when Thumper and the Boy are taking a motorcycle rider’s instruction course. Didja know that in CA you have to have a motorcycle license to even ride a moped? And Thumper wants a putt putt… because Thumper is lame and talks in 3rd person and really really really likes electronic and transportation-oriented toys…

Thumper may wuss out after takng the course, but better to take it and wuss out than to save the money and buy a putt putt and THEN wuss out…

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