
2 July 2014

How to piss me off in just 2 sentences =or= Thumpa gonna rant

Your mom died a year ago so it looks like you got a inheritence. Must be nice to inherit money and dump it all on a remodel.

Um, what? Or rather, WTF?

Yeah, I'm a bit ticked off
Whether I got "a inheritence" or not, does it really matter? Just what makes you think we couldn't/wouldn't have done this without a sudden windfall?

We've talked about doing this since we bought the damned house. This was the 2nd house we looked at, and we walked out initially because of the kitchen; when we came back to look again, we decided the rest of the house was all right--not perfect but all right--and that eventually we would remodel the kitchen to make it more useable.

So why now?

Because the frakking thing was falling apart.

Because we were tired of not having storage and having too much crap on the counters.

Because whoever lived here before never cleaned the floors, so they always looked gross.

Because we damn well wanted to.

Really...I'm not sure why it matters to anyone else how we're paying for something we promised ourselves five and a half years ago that we would do and what we started saving for. I'm not sure why anyone would assume we didn't have money of our own to do it. But the thing is, if one person had the balls to say it, other people were thinking it.

Why the hell does it matter? To anyone?

Even if we were paying for this with an inheritance (oh hey, I can spell!) I'm not sure it would be "wrong." My parents worked long and hard for their money, and if they thought they could help us with something that will not only make our lives easier but add equity--actual value--to our house, they would be thrilled.

We farking saved a lot of money over the years to do this kitchen, but that doesn't matter one bit, because it doesn't matter how it was paid for. What matters is that we had and have parents that have always been so generous of heart and spirit that if we did use an inheritance on it, they would have been happy for us.

I know what my dad would say right now.

Mind your own goddamned business.

My dad was almost always right, too.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

All we can say is echo your WTF? on that particular message you got today. Here's hoping the rest of your messages make more sense...

Shannon akaMonty said...

What kind of asshat says something like that? Like an inheritance due to a death is something to rejoice about? Who says that shit?
And yeah, inheritance or no, why does anyone care how or why you're remodeling? People do it all the time. It's called home maintenance. I will cut a bitch.

Maria said...

I doubt anyone else thought that. It takes a special kind of idiot to say something like that.

Sort of like when I tell people I'm a writer and get, 'Oh, do you have real job too?'


Jane2 said...

Wow, like you're the only person ever who invested in renovations. Sure glad they a) don't know when my parents died; and b) didn't see the roofers!!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

*sigh* if you can't say something supportive, why say anything at all. Seriously what on earth was this person thinking?!?

Carli said...

Is there a rulebook saying what it's ok to spend an inheritance on in order to earn the approval of idiots?

Enjoy your new kitchen. I don't give a poop how you got it. I only hope there's a place for me at the table should I ever happen to find myself in your neck of the woods.

Random Felines said...

I will never cease to be amazed at the people who feel the need to sit behind a computer (or wherever) and judge others...and then make their stupid opinion known. screw them.... and enjoy the kitchen :)

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Yep. Your Dad was right.
Enjoy the new kitchen.

Author Jo LaRue said...

What they said!! ;)

debzy said...

Unfortunately this person got exactly what he or she wanted. A lot of attention. I have to think that's the only reason for saying something so f**king stupid.

Your kitchen looks awesome, by the way! I don't give a rats ass how you paid for it. That is nobody's business but yours.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

The world is full of so many pathetic human beings, honest to God. Jealous asses. I agree with your dad..

Gigi said...

I am *speechless* at the numbskullery of that comment.

The Food Lady said...

We are spending inheritance money on our reno, and I'm sure there are people thinking we couldn't wait to get the dough and spend it fast enough. In fact, we are working our way thru my MIL's list of things she wanted to do to the house to update it and take care of deferred maintenance. My FIL, an architect, designed and built the house, so there's a lot of sentimental attachment to it. We could take the easy way out -- sell it and move on -- but we want it to be remembered as the phenomenal house that it is (under all those layers of ghastly wallpaper) rather than a fixer-upper. Few people outside the family know the context of the situation, but if they think less of us because we're spending inheritance money on the reno, screw 'em.

Just Ducky said...

Its your money, earned, saved, inherited. It is your choice how and when to spend it.

Erin said...

I've been noticing lately that even a lot of the "reported" "news" tends to be shaming and blaming, making a judgement. So persons of uncertain intellect see this and thinks it gives them the right to judge too. Back in the day before the ubiquitous Internet, everyone knew these sort of of morons in the community and avoided them like the plague, which encourage others NOT to follow their example. Unfortunately today these people have found a gold mine in the (largely) uncensored internet, where apparently they get away with anything.
What to do. I'm suggesting to all of us in future (and we all run into these numbskulls) chew them out loud and then report/ban/spread the word that they're to be ignored. It's the one thing they hate.

Erin said...

PS: The other big factor in this is the meanness of the comment. My mum died 20 years ago this December and I still miss her and deal with grief, even though I am a bit more used to her being gone, is not ever "over".
Karen, you and the S.T. are not wrong, you are 100% right. I know I didn't need to say that, because you DO know it, but I just had to.
Why can't humans be more like cats?

Vicat said...

Gotta say, I didn't even connect the reno with an inheritance. If I thought about the funding at all (which I didn't because... oh yeah, none of my business!) it likely would have been along the lines of 1. Karen & Michael have worked for a long time and been smart with their money so it's groovy they can do this. 2. Hope they don't get screwed by contractors. 3. Wonder if Karen would adopt me & the boys then reno my kitchen?

BuilderX said...

good luck with that kitchen ^_^

Unknown said...

The person who said that about your remodeling project is a jerk. Doesn't he or she get that everyone at your house humans and cats have money from jobs?

Unknown said...

Exactly what Victoria Henderson said. Especially the adoption part and doing MY kitchen! ;) Seriously, the new kitchen looks like it will rock. Enjoy. :)

Luna said...

I didn't know there were such nasty-minded people out there with kitties. We had this done and it wasn't fun or cheap. I hated every moment of the 6 month project. And to make it worse I don't see any improvement in my mommy's cooking.

The Whiskeratti said...

Coming in late here, but wow was that rude! It's a beautiful kitchen, though, so I hope you enjoy it very much.