
12 July 2009

Over heard in the Border's bookstore coffee shop: I told him, well you got so fat that your pecker is half the size it used to be. Yeah, there's no coming back from that.

No, I don't imagine there is...

Lady #1: All I could think about was how slimy it was going to be in my mouth. I just couldn't do it.

Lady#2: I don't like okra either.

That was so not where I thought they were going...

If you don't eat that cake, you are not getting shrimp later.

Good, because I didn't want any.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Snipits are such fun!

Unknown said...

OMG! Loved the first two. ROFL My smut brain went straight to the gutter when I read slimy and mouth. Thanks!

Marti said...

Okra! LOL.

Motor Home Cats said...

Okra is ewwww. But yes, after the first snipet, I was thinking something totally different about #2.

Tara (not the cat)

kat4 said...

I have lived in Alabama all my life. We fry okra here. Properly fried, okra is not slimy at all, but I hate boiled okra (too slimy).

Shaggy and Scout said...

My Borders is sooooo boring.

invisible said...

Overheard at Borders:
Was that all the same person? Part of me kinda hopes so.