
28 May 2013

I can usually find words when I need them or want them.

But not today.

Maybe tomorrow. Or next week.

Tonight, all I can tell you is that my mom died today. She was 82 years old, and tomorrow would have been her and my dad's 64th anniversary, had they both lived.

My relationship with her was complicated, and her death was not unexpected, but it still stings like crazy.

Today just sucks on so many levels.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Karen, our thoughts are with you-

Yeah, I think next year, we shouldn't have a May 28th. This really is sucky.

Terri said...

I'm so sorry Karen. Hugs to you and your family.

Nancy said...

So sorry. It's so hard to lose your mom. Bad news all around today.

Thinking of you.

Jan Scholl said...

Complicated with mom...I certainly understand that. Sending hugs, and I can only hope, my kids uncomplicate with me, because I didn't with my mom.

Raymond and Busby said...

Sending love.

Gigi said...

I am sorry you lost your Mom--even though mine's been gone for more than 30 years, I still think about her often. Complicated relations or not, it's very hard to lose the one who gave you life. Much love.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I am so sorry for you, Karen. There are no words, just know I am thinking of you. Death is so final, I guess that is what I am trying to come to grips with. Big Hugs to you!


Unknown said...

It so sucks!
love you Karen.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are so sorry for the loss of your mom.

Laila, Minchie and Mom Peggy

RANGER said...

It is raining here and illustrates exactly how I feel for you. So sorry. God Bless.

olrebbie said...

dear karen, my heart aches for you. sending peace and love, dear woman, and a heartfelt (HUG).

Katnip Lounge said...

I'm so sorry--the death of a parent suddenly makes us finally grow up, and it's hard.
I'm thinking of you.

Erin said...

Oh, Karen I am so sorry for your loss. I'm praying for you and your family. Losing a Mum is sooo hard. Lots of hugs and sympathy

Tara and Heather said...

I am so sorry to read about her passing. May your next few days be filled with love and kindness from those around you, a plenty of purrs and lap sitting from your two furry kids.
though I'm not a touchy feely person I'm sending a virtual hug and a lot of positive thoughts your way.

caircair said...

I am so sorry. I understand the "complicated" relationship - my mother and I also had issues thru the years.

I will keep you and your family in my thoughts

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I am so sorry for you. Many Mother/Daughter relationships are complicated, but that does not take away the sorrow. Sending prayers

Roses said...

::sits next to Thumper and sighs::

Just Ducky said...

Our sympathies to you on your loss Karen. {{HUGS}}

conny warren said...

All I can think to say is you have my deepest sympathy.

Catrina K said...

You have my prayers, Karen.

me said...

I am so sorry Thumper. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Shaggy and Scout said...

My heart goes out to you Karen.

Kitty said...

So sorry for your loss. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you. If you need anything, let us know.


Gimli's Mom said...

So sorry for your loss. I too understand complicated. Hugs and puurrsss to you and your family.

Karen Jo said...

I am so sorry, Thumper. I lost my Mom a few years ago and know how you feel, as much as one person can know how another feels. The kitties send comforting purrs and I send my love and hugs.

Karen Jo and the kitties