
13 June 2013

Stupidly, I want one of these...

I would get so much time wasted...


TheWilsonZoo said...

Not sure why, but it makes me think of a cat. A cat in a box sticking its paw out to harass its human. A mechanized Max!

Jasper McKitten-Cat said...

That is awesome!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

It needs a kitty paw on it!

Erin said...

LOL! I thought the same thing. Put a kitty paw on it and it would sell millions. And can you imagine the fun for cats?!

Lsamsa said...

I can't believe how long I sat & watched that...over & over...

Carolyn said...

HAHAHaaaaaa... I need one of those... hahaaaa