
13 July 2017

"What you're doing is wrong. Max has spent years building his rep and followers, and you're using his name AND his series' characters to launch your own perverted thing."
I have upset someone terribly, because I am writing a book based on characters created BY MY CAT, and thusly I am ruining his reputation. HE SPENT YEARS MAKING FRIENDS ONLINE, Y'ALL!

He thinks I'm horrible, too.
Yes, I am a horrible, awful, no good person for "borrowing" my cat's good name and creative endeavor to use as my own. And you know what? SOMETIMES I SPEND HIS MONEY! This December, I'm going to spend ALL OF IT on toys and shelter donations, and I'M NOT EVEN GOING TO ASK HIM.

But honestly, there's nothing really PERVERTED in the first Wick After Dark book. Unless sex itself is perverted. And a few f-bombs. Well, a lot of f-bombs. Teenagers spew f-bombs, who knew???

My horrible, selfish, awful self is still waiting on editor's notes, but she has made the first pass through it, just to read it, and it didn't offend her. She's super old, so, you know...she has sensibilities. Granted, they're that of a sailor, but still, she has them.


Gigi said...

Your critics remind me of people who walk up to actors like Anthony Hopkins and say, "You monster! How can you kill and eat all those people?" What are they thinking???

Karen Nichols said...

I think with enough steak and real live dead fresh shrimp, he may forget that you're an f-bombing thief.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yeah, we think Max answer to this person would be F*CK YOU.

Anonymous said...

Your own fault: This is what happens when you are a REALLY CONVINCING writer!

Random Felines said...

yep...poor Max....he is abused and unloved (seriously - some people need to GET A LIFE) :)

las794 said...

Wow, there is a serious lack of brainage in the populace. Maybe the planet should just start over, maybe give dolphins opposeable thumbs and see if they can run things better....

One Fat Girl And Her Thoughts said...

I don't write a Blog on behalf of Bingo - dog - but I do write ABOUT him, AND post his picture, online, and I've never once asked how he feels about it.
Poor, traumatized, maltreated darling.
Perhaps he'll sue...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

TBT here, I've been following Max for about 13-14 years. Whatever he does is fine. Whatever you, The Woman, does is pretty much fine. And whatever the Man Who Passes Gas, does is fine. So long as you are all happy.