
24 October 2013

 Tonight's WTF email:
Why can't you just enjoy your cat as a CAT instead of making him earn you a living? Let him be already!

 Yes, and it's equally as awful that I spend his royalties on things he never even asked me for. I'm awful that way. Now excuse me, I have to go sit him down at the computer and make him write the next chapter.


Susan S said...

WTF -- or a tribute to the reality your words have created?

debzy said...

I want to comment but...I can't find the words. Maybe my cat can help me...


las794 said...

Wow, someone doesn't have enough to do....

David E. Francis said...


I, and many others, thank you for sharing your experiences with Max and Buddah. Sometimes it is very easy to believe that their comments and opinions actually do come from them---and not the imagination of the human owner: you! If you even faintly think about what the post says, you could very easily imagine that is what a real feline would believe or think.

I have always thought that you shared because you wanted others of the world to realize, like you have, that cats are aware, feeling, and sentient creatures. They are not just dumb animals as some people believe but fellow beings on this journey we call life. To show your love for them.


Anonymous said...


Vicat said...

Wait, WHAT????
My head hurts now. This is so stupid I can't believe... I just... wow. I'm actually speechless, which rarely happens.

Lsamsa said...

Some people just 'gotta hate'...because apparently that's all that they are good at.