
26 October 2013

My day has been made.

I took my rebel bad-ass wearing white after Labor Day self over to Starbucks for a little while, because...tea. My favorite table was open, and at the table next to it sat a little old lady clutching a laptop computer; I plopped myself down, started pulling my own laptop out of my backpack, when she leaned over asked asked, "Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the Whiffy?"

Now, this is a small town. I kind of know where almost everything is, even if I haven't been there, and I'd never heard of this place. I thought for just a moment and had to tell her I was sorry, but I wasn't familiar with the Whiffy.

She looked crestfallen. "Oh. My son usually helps me with these things. I wanted to check my email."

The the lightbulb went off. "Oh! You want to get online? I can help with that."

In less than a minute she was online, surfing the web and checking email at the Whiffy.

Too. Freaking. Adorable.


Katnip Lounge said...


Jan Scholl said...

I will now call it Whiffy. To honor this wonderful little old lady (I am creepy up to that myself). At least she has the courage to try the technology. So many are afraid to even give up the dialing home phone (my mom). Whiffy. Love this!

Just Ducky said...

Dat is sweet, whiffy. You was good to help her.

kenju said...

It sounds better than WHY-FYE, doesn't it? LOL

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We am rolling on the floor!

Unknown said...

Aww, that was sweet.

Carolyn said...

love it! .... HAHaaaa