
19 April 2010

Tell me why someone would wear this t-shirt to a TV interview about one's little brother who is recovering from a coma?

I mean...really?
Made me LOL, but...really?


Roses said...

1) Because it was her "good" t-shirt? (We have kids at church who wear their "good" ripped jeans to services.)

2) Because it's from the TV station that did the interview, and she thought they'd get a kick out of it.

Unknown said...

Maybe to bring attention to sexual dysfunction in consciousness-impaired individuals?

las794 said...

I vote for "not thinking at all". ;)

Sleepypete said...

Think that's a definite Oops ...

Our work has a dress down thing going on Fridays :-) I have a collection of subversive T-shirts I wear on them.

The one with "Don't ask me, I make it up as I go" is my favourite Subversive Friday T-Shirt.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

She is a typical teenager! Never thinks how something is going to look to the world! It is funny, though!

kenju said...

I'm no prude, but that's just wrong.

This is Curt's display name. said...

Maybe it was for her brother and she knows when he's more recovered he'll get a kick out of it.

Susie said...

Maybe she's slightly comatosed herself!

Unknown said...
Hey, it's a woodworking t-shirt!