
16 July 2012

On a scale of 1-100, I think I'm at about 60. Much better, but not better enough, not enough to make me happy.

In the last two weeks, I've only been out of the house twice, both for doctor appointments; the first time was horrible, the second time was tolerable, both times left me wiped out. Still, since that second appointment, I've gotten exponentially better, so I can't complain too much.

Right now, what I mostly feeling is fatigue. No surprise there; when I'm sick, I sleep, and the last couple of days I've intentionally made myself stay put of bed and awake, because that stuff just feeds on itself. If you don't stay out of bed, you just don't get out of bed, if that makes sense. It would be easy to lie there and watch TV, snooze, watch more TV. It just feels a little better to get up, sit in the recliner, and watch TV. Marginally more proactive.

I'm down 23 pounds in 14 days; I absolutely do not recommend this as a way to lose weight. Still, I'll take it as a consolation prize, especially since I'd gained back everything I lost a couple years ago. I just hope I can maintain it.

I have an appetite again, but most food tastes like utter crap thanks to the nice case of Thrush the antibiotics gave me. I'm done with those, though, and I think the mouth wash-spit swallow meds are starting to work on that, so I have high hopes that everything will taste normally in another day or two.

Then all I want is for my digestion to get back to normal. 'Cause...yeah, well...let's just say I may never look at pudding the same way.

As long as this doesn't flare up, I should be good to go for the Komen 3 Day in September, where the kind people in charge are actually going to let me drive a van along with DKM, and I swear I will refrain from running anyone over. And then two days after that...

A colonoscopy.

I could have had it done a couple of weeks before the 3 Day, but just in case it triggers this krap again, I wanted to push it back to after, because I really don't want to miss another walk event, and being in the sweep van is supposed to be one of The Most Awesome Crew Jobs EVER.

But...there I is. Better, but not 100%. Getting there. And possibly never, ever eating pudding again...


Kitty said...

At the very least I'm glad that you are feeling somewhat better. I can fully understand and sympathize with digestive issues as I'm going through my own right now. Hang in there and we'll keep sending positive thoughts your way.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I know what you men about staying in bed or getting up. I am glad you are making the effort. My Mom had thrush like that! It was horrible! At least you can do something awesome for the walkers

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are glad you are on the mend. It is good to see Max coming by to comment.

las794 said...

I am striving manfully (womanfully?) *not* to think about the reason for your pudding aversion....