Hmmm...I may have inadvertently screwed up a life lesson for the 10 year old ahead of me at Walmart when I gave him a quarter to cover the tax he didn't know he'd need. It wasn't until after then that I realized Mom was nearby, in sight, watching closely...and that she might have sent him through the line alone on purpose and with intent. So instead of learning that just because you have $1 in your pocket, that doesn't mean you only need a $1, he learned that if you're little and buying stuff by yourself, some old lady will cover your difference...
Ah well... He could also learn the law of attraction--if you want something badly enough with only a dollar in your pocket the universe will send some old lady by to pick up the rest...
Maybe he learned that some people are nice and that he should be nice, too.
25 cent tax on a dollar item? I wonder if they would see if they would wave the overage for the kid.
Mom might have been teaching him something about economics or about math, or that there are nice people who will help out the little people in the world.
He needed 8 cents, all I had in change was a quarter. LOL little shit left with the change...
I liked what GG Mueller said until I read that he ran off with the
And the mom learned there are nice people in the world.
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