
12 August 2011

Hey, ya walk 15 miles, you allow yourself a Twinkie. I'd forgotten an unwrapped Twinkie is like Kitty Krack x 10...

Determined, he was...

...or at least very focused...

(yes, he got a couple of very tiny bites; I'm mean but not cruel...)


Anonymous said...

Now I want a Ho-Ho!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Twinkies are great! WE are glad you shared!

kenju said...

Wold you believe me if I told you I've never eaten one? Not that I'm averse to desserts - on the contrary!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Hmm.. I've never had a twinkie. The Woman never got them either as a child --this could be why.

SUE said...

My Bandit was the twinkie bandit, leave an unwrapped twinkie alone for on second and it was his. have a twinkie in you mouth and he would try to find a way to make it his, you could lose a hand if not careful. I would find remnants under the bed, the table or just where he felt like taking his ill-gotten booty. He and Max may have been twins.

conny warren said...

If I survived a 15 mile walk I'd be scarfing down a whole New York style cheesecake. We don't need no stinking Twinkies.

Shaggy and Scout said...
