
7 October 2010

They got me through the 3 day walk...

...and they did not blister like I feared, but. But.

My toes went mostly numb on day 3, and they're still mostly numb, and it's starting to drive me a little batshit insane.

No, I don't think it's permanent, but I'd kind of like to get back to working out and I worry that if I jump back into walking several miles a day that it will become permanent.

All in all I'm quite happy with how my feet held up, but really, I would like to have all the feeling back...


Mila said...

Do you think this could be associated with your diabetes? I'm a mild hypochondriac myself, but if I were you I would see about visiting a doctor just to be certain.

Thumper said...

I'm not a diabetic, so there are no worries there (diabetes insipidus isn't the same thing as classic diabetes...that would be "sugar" diabetes and what I have is "water" diabetes.)

I really do think it's from nearly 60 miles of pounding my feet down...but I will see a doc next week if it's not better.

Mila said...

Ahhhh, I see. Sorry for the confusion on my part. Feel better, lady. You have all of my respect :)

Priscilla said...

I have that (chemo side affect) my Onc recommended that I do this yoga pose. I forget what it's called.

Here, I looked it up for you

I'm telling you, it really helped the numbness in my toes. And mine is nerve damage.

You feet look great! I'm surprised you didn't walk your feet clean off!

Roses said...

Yay, feet!
Good girls.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Also, I am thinking that a chiropractor or an acupuncturist could help. The chiro would tell you if you have something in your back and an adjustment should help. If it's soft tissue up in the back or even in the legs, an acupuncturist could help--heck no matter the reason an acupuncturist can probably help particularly if it just started!

kmilyun said...

Yeah that you walked all that way I am impressed. Also I liked batshit insane LOL

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I think putting them up and resting for a few more days will get them back to normal!

Peace said...

Is it too cold to swim? Non weight bearing, great for letting your spine, and really all your body re-align after all that gravitational pounding.

Unknown said...

Your feet look great after walking 60 miles! My daughters toe nails turned black and fell off!!

Lsamsa said...

Those are some pretty amazing feet...holding you up for 60 miles!
Even more awesome is your spirit...way to go really walk the walk!
Must glad to see someone else with long big toes like you have as much trouble with shoes as I do...that damned big toe!! ;)