

I write letters. Mostly, I write letters to people I see during the course of my day, people I will likely never see again, nor speak to. These are largely for my own amusement or venting purposes, but I often wedge them into my blog.

Often when I do, I get an email or two.

I've got tons of stuff to write to people about, but they would see themselves if I put it on my blog.
I don't have a blog, but I would do this...
Can I write a letter to my monster in law but have you put it on your blog? Please?

Then came an email that damn near broke my heart. "This is what I would write, if I had a place to write it. I miss my Sean-bon, and I talk to him every day, but I need someplace that no one else knows where I can write this..."

And thusly was born Dear So and So..., a place for all those unsent letters; if you pop over there, the first letter you'll read is her letter to Sean.

If there's enough traffic and participation, I'm hoping to add new letters every Tuesday and Friday.

Should be fun. Come play with me :)

Unsent Letter Writer

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