
13 September 2018

Just 3 more days!

On Sunday, they're saying I Do. The Boy and his Much Better Half, who might be the most so-right couple I know, the two who always pop into my head when I hear Ed Sheeran's Perfect come on the radio. I can't begin to tell you how much I love these two, and how grateful I am that she came into his life. He's always been a good man, but damn, y'all, with her he's a good man, and what more could a mother want for her son?

I don't think that I've ever looked forward to something as much as I have this wedding, other than, perhaps, his birth.

And I swear, if anyone stands up to object, I'll get off my asterisk and threaten to cut a beeyotch.

It's a small wedding, so I doubt it'll come up, but still...

They're getting married!


Sleepypete said...

Hope it's an awesome day :-)

And I'll hand over something suitably sharp and pointypokey if someone objects.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

I'm so happy for all of you!

Unknown said...

SO WEIRD! I was in the yard yesterday, working the goats, and a random thought flew into my brain, wondering if Thumper's son had gotten married yet. It was a fleeting thought, and then I went back to marveling over how much goats burp and fart. And poop.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great news. And I SUSPECT you are going to be a pretty good Mother-In-Law!

Cheers to the happy couple...